Wishing upon a star, blowing out candles on a birthday cake, or sending a heartfelt dream to the Moon—all these acts share a common thread: they involve the power of words. At the Moonshot Celebration, we encourage you to make a wish and send it to the Moon, but this brings to light a profound aspect of human experience: the power of our words and the impact of our wishes.

The Weight of Words

Words are more than just sounds or symbols; they are powerful tools that shape our reality. They hold the potential to inspire, heal, and transform, but they can also influence our thoughts and actions in subtle yet significant ways. When you craft a wish, you are engaging in an act of intention, shaping your aspirations and setting a course for your desires.

The Power of Wishes

Wishes are a reflection of our innermost desires and dreams. They can be a beacon of hope or a call for change. However, it’s essential to be mindful of what we wish for. Every wish carries with it a degree of influence, and the energy we put into our wishes can have real-world implications.

Be Specific and Positive

When making a wish, clarity and positivity are key. A well-articulated wish can provide a clear direction for your goals and aspirations. Avoid vague or negative language; instead, frame your wishes in a positive and specific manner. For example, rather than wishing for “not to be stressed,” focus on wishing for “a sense of calm and balance in my life.”

The Ripple Effect

Our words and wishes don’t exist in isolation. They are part of a larger tapestry of human experience and influence. Positive wishes can contribute to a collective sense of optimism and hope, while negative or ambiguous wishes might lead to unintended consequences. By choosing our words carefully, we can ensure that our contributions to this collective tapestry are uplifting and constructive.

Reflect and Refine

Before submitting your wish to the Moonshot Celebration, take a moment to reflect on its meaning and impact. Consider how your wish aligns with your values and how it might affect not only your life but also the broader world. Refining your wish with thoughtful consideration can amplify its positive effects and ensure that it resonates with your true intentions.


As we prepare to send your wishes to the Moon, remember that the power of words extends beyond the act of wishing. It’s about crafting a vision for your future that is hopeful, intentional, and positive. The Moonshot Celebration invites you to be part of this celestial journey, where your wishes are not just dreams but powerful expressions of your aspirations. Let’s make every wish count and contribute to a brighter, more hopeful future for all.

Join us on this journey and make your wish with purpose. The Moon is waiting, and so is the power of your words.


Moonshot Celebration
by Ministry of Creativity LLC
F Trust AG
Bahnhofplatz, 6300 Zug

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in Switzerland for the Moon

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