
The Moonshot Celebration is a groundbreaking initiative that bridges the distance between dreams and reality, connecting Earth with the Moon in a deeply symbolic and literal way. Inspired by the 384,400 kilometers that separate these celestial bodies, our project aims to collect one wish for every kilometer—resulting in a heartfelt anthology of 384,400 human aspirations.

All these wishes will also embark on a literal journey to the Moon, with 3,544 wishes drawn randomly from the total submissions to be encapsulated in a beautifully crafted book.

In an extraordinary collaboration with Lifeship and its Founder and CEO, Ben Haldeman, we are thrilled to announce that the collected wishes will be sent to the lunar surface aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launch. This cosmic voyage symbolizes the boundless reach of human hope and ambition.

We also plan to use the wishes in various artistic ways to amplify the message of hope, dreams, and aspirations, creating diverse and innovative art forms that resonate with the project’s theme of human connection.

Four years after the wishes’ celestial journey, we will reconnect with each participant to discover the evolution of their wishes—whether they’ve come to fruition or taken new forms. This follow-up will be documented in a second book, providing insights into the enduring spirit of hope and the transformative power of dreams over time.

A significant portion of the proceeds from both books will be dedicated to fulfilling the dreams of sick children, thus extending the chain of wishes and fulfillment even further.

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Moonshot Celebration
by Ministry of Creativity LLC
F Trust AG
Bahnhofplatz, 6300 Zug

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Made with love
in Switzerland for the Moon

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